Heads Up/Heads Up ~ 27 March 2006

Two heads are better than one, especially if looking up. On immediate horizons we see the eclipse of the 29th tracking Aries/Libra poles and Mars approaches Pluto from Gemini to Sag. These both require two heads. More on those in a moment. But first another matter must be quelled into calmness. Perhaps you’ve seen the post circulating that the next solar maximum is likely to be larger that normal. This means that solar eruptions when the activity cycle culminates next time should exceed that of last time, which occurred back in 2000. To keep things in perspective, we now stand at solar minimum and according to schedule, solar activity is naturally diminished. Despite those folks and websites trying to scare you into believing the Sun is anomalistically active, it is not true. Our gravitational nucleus is doing its thing pretty much as planned. No worries. True the last solar cycle was potent and lingered a long time. The next one due in 2011 and 2012 looks like it will be bigger. Nope, this ain’t about the Mayan Calendar. It’s just the Sun doing its thing as it’s inclined to do. That’s not going to bring about the end of the world. Sure weather patterns stand to shift, but not globally catastrophic. The world’s icy poles are more at risk from the combined starting of our engines than the next solar activity cycle. Hold that thought as you drive to the next lecture predicting the end of the world.

More immediately, this week we enjoy the solar eclipse in Aries, polarizing Libra. It’s all about relationships. Simply, relationships occur when two people come together and assume the other party can provide all needs freely and fully. Nice thought if both people want the same thing. So the question is: do both partner’s agree on needs, wants and desires? Here’s the eclipsing reality check of the week: can you and yours align priorities? If your priorities align, you can create shared intentions. If your priorities fail to match, the quest for need fulfillment becomes a futile tug of war. Start with the most important stuff first. Why do you even bother entering this exchange be it personal or professional? Add priorities others fail to consider to flesh out the richness of relationship. If seeking a personal relationship, does it serve you to have a partner with good family of origin relations? That’s often overlooked. In business, would you want to mingle with a greed monger or someone who wants to do something to help the planet and the people on it as much as you do?

Then there’s the dance of the eclipse. A critical point in eclipse dynamics is that something moves in front of something else. While on Earth that’s how we see it as an overshadowing phenomenon. In deeper space the binary phenomenon comes off as sharing the forefront of the stage. In this scenario, each body instinctively knows when to advance and when to recede. To make this gender specific, men cease explaining what their little woman meant by that (as if they knew) and women cease rolling their eyes in reaction to it. On the other side of the coin, women precisely articulate their place in space and it is heard by all, not just the significant other. All messages become crisp and non coercive. How cool is that? Now this does not mean men are naturally intrusive and women manipulative (but if the shoe fits). It means that in a relationship clear communication must abound and both parties in any transaction must know the position of the partner and respond to work with her/him.

Take notes from Mars and Pluto next week if this makes no sense now. Mars edges up to Pluto, who occupies an underworldy view of the engine of the black hole at our galactic core. If that sounds sexy, it’s because cosmically it is. Pluto reports an ecstatic frenzy from aligning with such a potent point of infrared, radio, x-ray and gamma radiation. He also reports that time must be allowed for the cosmic afterglow to tingle one’s sensibilities for the resulting consciousness to be absorbed on one’s most subatomic level. Mars wants it now. Well, Mars, it happens when it does. Consciousness cannot be a hat one puts on their head. As the I-Ching reports, the great person changes like a tiger. The stripes shift because of inner change as opposed to spots redirecting in mental slight of hand. When the shift happens, you’ll know. You won’t be able to talk about it either. The best you can do is be it.

So here’s the test. Take the shift and see if you can make the quantum jump to a new level of involvement in all relationships you deem worthy of your attention. Bliss might be a hop, skip or a jump away.